25 Eylül 2011 Pazar

Ashura Magnificent Recipes

Ashura Magnificent Recipes
Ashura How?

Yes, those who want to lose weight, and weight problems who live with you because of me zayıflayamacaksınız goes like this:)
But by the way what do I do a great recipe for a traditional tatlımız aşurenin paylaşmamak really great, I thought it would be unfair.

Yes geçimizden Miraz us how delicious aşuremiz lezetli how to make the consistency tutrulur getirlir how it wants to eat while writing a bakalım.İnsanın farketim soul:) this recipe will not share your work to me and to my mind, perhaps now more glen Oceanw site there is a point, but read the Timer, and comments from us, please custodial

2 cups Wheat
1 cup chickpeas
1 cup haricot beans
1 cup raisins
1 cup figs
1 cup dried apricots
1 / 2 cup peanuts
4 cups sugar
1 tablespoon ground cloves
10 to 15 cups of water

For Dressing:
1 cup currants
Ground walnuts, pistachios
Cinnamon, pomegranate seeds

Wheat, beans, chickpeas and raisins Wash and soak overnight in separate pots. The next day, the wheat by filtering a large steel pot. Add 15 cups water to boil. Take a slotted foam that accumulates on the cover the pot and boil for 30 minutes. Boil beans in separate pots and nohutu filtering.

Wheat grains thoroughly and cook until soft, about 4.5 hours on low heat, stirring occasionally. Juice of wheat flour was about to come to the consistency of soup, add the chickpeas and dry beans. Boil thoroughly. This was followed by peanuts, raisins, cloves and quartered dried apricots and mix further. Boil the few. Finally, add sugar and a transport layer, the figs to boil for 5-10 minutes after boiling, remove from heat.

Drain the hot bowls of Ashura, after cooking. When cool, over the walnuts, pistachio nuts, currants, cinnamon and decorated with pomegranate seeds and serve. Optionally, a sprinkle rose water.

Yes, diet diet, their mortal enemies dear:) you want to review part of a great paylaştık.Sormak asure tarimizide esirgemeyiniz teşekkürlerinizi please:)

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